Parts of My Journey

Years ago, I heard a Graham Cooke teaching about challenging who God is based on His promises and goodness. When I have chosen to compare my thoughts, intentions and actions to the goodness of God, the response has only come back in double blessings and encouragement for me. My dad once said, “Tara, you cannot out bless God.” In my competitive nature, I took this as a challenge to be as generous as I can with the resources I have. The outcome? More blessing than I could have dreamed in so many different forms. Here’s my story:

A big THANK YOU to my friend, Nate Abuan, for the video suggestion and willingness to do the editing. I appreciate the encouragement to just let me be myself and allow me to share my thoughts & experience(s).



4 thoughts on “Parts of My Journey

  1. Tara I am so excited for you! I know that God will bless you abundantly as you serve in obedience. Love you! Thanks for inspiring us and letting us tag along on your journey!xo


  2. LOVE THIS!! You are challenging me to remember all that He’s already done for me, and trusting Him to do so much more. Excited to follow you on your journey. He’s a good, good Father!!!


  3. You are the true picture of what obedience looks like, even when it seems crazy. I love your adventurous spirit, and I love that you’re doing this. I can’t wait to see what God does as you continue your travels!


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