Where’s This Journey All Headed?!?

I’m guessing there’s some folks out there who do not know about my travel plans. Here’s where I’m headed:

A big THANK YOU to my friend, Nate Abuan, for the video suggestion and willingness to do the editing. I appreciate the encouragement to just let me be myself and allow me to share my thoughts & experience(s).

6 thoughts on “Where’s This Journey All Headed?!?

  1. Praying for you Tara that God will lead you, protect you, and do GREAT things through you on this big adventure!


  2. Love you friend. I will pray daily for you. I known beyond a doubt you will be so blessed and you will bless others.


  3. Good luck, Tara. You’ll love Iceland and every step of your journey after. Say hi to Armenia for all of us! We pray for God’s protection and that you find a path that leads you to where you’re going.


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